
11 april 2023Delft University of Technology, Vienna University of Technology and London's Imperial College. Three prestigious foreign universities are partners in the project, which was managed by the Faculty of M
2 march 2023Oldřich Haičman graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT and originally thought he would work as a designer. The Velvet Revolution and the collapse of the company in which he worked
21 february 2023She did not plan a scientific career during her studies, but several fundamental life challenges led her to the day when she was proposed by the BUT scientific council for the appointment of a profess
Ideas and Discoveries
13 february 2023Are we sorting enough? How many recyclable materials needlessly end up in black bins? And above all, how much waste will residents and companies in the Czech Republic produce in the coming years? Expe
24 january 2023As a result of damaged water supply infrastructure, around 15 % of the water intended for supplying customers is lost in the Czech Republic every year. The share is gradually decreasing - thanks to re
Ideas and Discoveries
29 december 2022Darina Čejková's team from the Department of Biomedical Engineering FEEC BUT investigates how genes causing antibiotic resistance are transmitted. Specifically, the researchers are interested in the i
Ideas and Discoveries
27 december 2022BUT to itself. This could be the motto of the bachelor thesis of Lukáš Dobrovolný. A mechatronics student from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has created software that facilitates the work of e
Ideas and Discoveries
17 october 2022Dextrin adhesive has been used for decades for the industrial production of paper tubes of all kinds – from toilet paper rolls to food packaging to tubes for wrapping films. Its consumption in the Cze
9 september 2022He turned off the news from Europe for a month and went to help as a volunteer of Brontosaurus in the Himalayas in a small village in Mulbekh, India. He came back refreshed, and with the feeling that
26 july 2022Tiny particles from tyres, clothing and other plastic products are now found in the air, food and water. Researchers from the Institute of Municipal Water Management at FCE BUT are focusing on water.
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