
23 januaryA fully autonomous solar watering system is being built in the greenhouse of the Lužánky Leisure Time Centre. It is the creation of Rastislav Straňák, a second-year student of the Master's programme E
6 december 2023Although industry, transport, and energy are the most talked about sectors in the climate crisis and emissions context, one sector was somewhat neglected: solid waste. An international team of scienti
16 november 2023Water contaminated with micro-organisms and chemicals is a global problem. Therefore, experts from FME BUT (Brno University of Technology), under the leadership of Pavel Rudolf, have been developing a
2 october 2023Rice fields in Pardubice Region or Prague one storey higher – utopia or vision? More than 140 architecture and urban planning students gathered in the spring under the guidance of Dutch architect Winy
9 september 2023These days, the battery recycling is an increasingly important link in the industrial chain. It allows us to reduce the waste of natural resources or the amount of CO2 released during extraction and p
Ideas and Discoveries
4 september 2023Josef Jančář and his doctoral students from CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology) BUT (Brno University of Technology) participated in the development of a unique range of preparations for
21 august 2023Smart underwear may look like ordinary undergarments, but it conceals several absorbent layers and a sensor connected to a mobile app. Experts from FEEC BUT, in collaboration with Sintex and Nanopharm
Ideas and Discoveries
21 july 2023David Bažout from FIT (Faculty of Information Technology) BUT (Brno University of Technology) is turning classic greenhouses into smart ones. Inspired by his dad's story, he decided to create a system
30 may 2023How to turn sustainable energy into a source of profit? The energy specialists from the PKV firm demonstrate this to automakers, banks and shopping centres. The company was founded 10 years ago by two
24 april 2023The spin-off project of the ConWe company on a vegetation treatment plant in the village of Hlína u Ivančice is reaping a well-deserved success. He already took first place in March in the Water Manag
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