
24 April 2023

FCE researchers' timeless natural wastewater is one of the best construction in the region

Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)

The spin-off project of the ConWe company on a vegetation treatment plant in the village of Hlína u Ivančice is reaping a well-deserved success. He already took first place in March in the Water Management Construction of the Year 2022 competition. He also won the South Moravian Region Construction Competition in the Water Management and Ecological Constructions category. By operating similar natural treatment plants, municipalities and individuals can minimize their ecological footprint and simultaneously reduce operating costs.

"Our company processes projects, analyses or assessments for the implementation of wastewater treatment plants that do not require electricity for their operation, all cleaning is thus ensured exclusively through naturally occurring processes," Michal Kriška explains, who works at the Institute of Landscape Water Management at the BUT Faculty of Civil Engineering and at the same time he is one of the three founders of the company.

Such a project also appealed to representatives in the village of Hlína u Ivančic. "It is a treatment plant that reliably removes all the pollution prescribed by legislation, but does not need electricity, blowers, pumps or anything else to achieve high efficiency. Everything takes place only on the basis of natural cleaning processes, with the help of physics and bacteria, slowly, regardless of the water inflow, whether it is concentrated or diluted," Kriška explains.

Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)

Similar solutions are very popular in Austria, for example, and not only at the municipal level. However, there are still few of them in the Czech Republic, even though devices of this type achieve enormous efficiency in all monitored parameters. In addition to savings in operating costs, their minimal maintenance is also an advantage. A regular inspection takes place once a week, approximately once every two years the vegetation must be mowed and collected, but this can be processed in a compost plant or left to decompose on your own compost area. Thus, waste can easily be turned into a new product.

Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)

"Individuals can then use commercial water from the natural treatment plant to water the garden or flush and thus save drinking water. A natural treatment plant is essentially a kind of technological wetland, which also ensures water vapour into the atmosphere, thereby improving the microclimate in its surroundings, the air is then not so dry. It reduces the amount of water flowing into the watercourse, thus helping to retain water in the landscape," Michal Kriška emphasized in conclusion.

ConWe is the first ever spin-off company that emerged from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. Thanks to it, researchers can easily transfer their knowledge into practice. In addition to real estate owners, he proposes cleaning plants close to nature, especially for smaller municipalities.

The cleaning plant in the village of Hlína u Ivančice is the first of its kind in the Czech Republic. It has all the prerequisites to become one of the most efficient extensive cleaning plants in the Czech Republic.

Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)
Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)
Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)
Autor: archive of M. Kriška (ConWe)
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