
3 april 2023 Paintings by Zdeněk Burian, Salvador Dalí, or books on quantum physics – all of these inspired Vladimír Kudělka in creating the video game Afterglitch. The FFA graduate worked on its development ent
31 march 2023Seventh place in the international competition of twenty-five student teams was won by Chicken Wings from BUT and their Obelix. That's how the students named their latest aircraft, which they designed
27 march 2023Can brain scans tell us if a person will develop depression or have a stroke? And can we diagnose ourselves at home on the couch using a cell phone? Aamir Malik has been asking these and other questio
20 march 2023Jozef Krajčovič from the Institute of Chemistry and Environmental Protection Technology of the Faculty of Chemistry BUT has specialized in organic chemistry and organic synthesis since his student yea
21 february 2023She did not plan a scientific career during her studies, but several fundamental life challenges led her to the day when she was proposed by the BUT scientific council for the appointment of a profess
16 february 2023Žufánek, Rudolf Jelínek and Hendrick' s. Moravia Glassworks in remote Úsobrno are the smallest glassworks of their type in the world. Nevertheless, bottles for the most famous global and domestic dist
31 january 2023The cement industry generates up to 8 % of global CO2 production. Experts from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT are therefore testing a way to reduce the emiss
27 january 2023He felt it made more sense than discovering a hole in the market. Jan Neuman, a graduate of the BUT's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, used a stand-alone atomic force microscope (AFM) and an equally
24 january 2023As a result of damaged water supply infrastructure, around 15 % of the water intended for supplying customers is lost in the Czech Republic every year. The share is gradually decreasing - thanks to re
9 january 2023In their research, David Brandejs and Pavel Klika from the Institute of Forensic Engineering of BUT deal with what factors influence the value of cultural monuments. Specifically, they were interested
5 january 2023An algorithm processing the soldiers' biosignals could distinguish those at risk of life-threatening situations and in need of immediate rescue. Researchers from the Department of Biomedical Engineeri
22 december 2022Thanks to the work of sculptor Ondřej Bílek, we can meet our ancestors face to face in museums. Together with anthropologist Eva Vaníčková, they reconstruct the faces of people who lived in our territ
19 december 2022Hundreds of people pass by the bronze sculpture of a standing girl every day. ‘Studentka’, as the sculpture by Miloš Axman is called, has been looking down on them from her pedestal on Technická Stree
15 december 2022Bone healing after tumours, for example, could in future be made possible by tissue carriers made of biopolymers created by 3D printing. Researchers from the Institute of Materials Chemistry at the BU
25 october 2022Some species of whales and turtles live to be up to 150 years old. However, their score is several times higher than that of the Greenland shark, which has lived in the cold waters of the North Atlant
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