
27 september 2023Graduates of three BUT faculties came together at 3L Robotics to design the first helipad for drone delivery in the Czech Republic. It should operate on the building I of the campus in Vlněná Street i
19 september 2023The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) announced the results of the first public competition SIGMA Applied Research and Innovation Support Programme. Out of 379 projects submitted, 64 app
9 september 2023These days, the battery recycling is an increasingly important link in the industrial chain. It allows us to reduce the waste of natural resources or the amount of CO2 released during extraction and p
7 september 2023The goal of the team led by Pavel Šiler from the Faculty of Chemistry of the BUT was to eliminate the negative properties of zinc in cement. They have not only managed to find a possible solution to a
22 august 2023Another group of eight Electrical Engineering students from the University of Alabama (UA) had an opportunity to spend time in Brno and work on their research in state-of-the-art laboratories. They pa
21 august 2023Smart underwear may look like ordinary undergarments, but it conceals several absorbent layers and a sensor connected to a mobile app. Experts from FEEC BUT, in collaboration with Sintex and Nanopharm
1 august 2023Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are among the most important components of the Czech economy. It is important that they are able to keep up with trends and be competitive. Researchers from t
4 july 2023How do aerodynamics affect the safety of electric vehicles or their acoustics? Does a limousine or an SUV have lower air resistance? And how to modify the car body to travel a longer distance on a sin
29 june 2023Bridge collapses are rare, but when they do occur, the consequences can be tragic – such as the collapse of a motorway bridge in Genoa, Italy, where 43 people died five years ago. The cause of such ac
13 june 2023Building a bridge led Štěpán Kapsa from FCE BUT to Norway at the beginning of this year. When the opportunity to travel for a work placement abroad through the Erasmus programme arose, he did not hesi
30 may 2023How to turn sustainable energy into a source of profit? The energy specialists from the PKV firm demonstrate this to automakers, banks and shopping centres. The company was founded 10 years ago by two
24 april 2023The spin-off project of the ConWe company on a vegetation treatment plant in the village of Hlína u Ivančice is reaping a well-deserved success. He already took first place in March in the Water Manag
19 april 2023A chemical plant accident, a hit by a dirty bomb or a military attack. A multi-agent system of unmanned drones and ground robots controlled by artificial intelligence will enable quick and detailed hu
11 april 2023Delft University of Technology, Vienna University of Technology and London's Imperial College. Three prestigious foreign universities are partners in the project, which was managed by the Faculty of M
7 april 2023The energy network in the Czech Republic is not only extensive, but also very interconnected. Any fluctuation - whether in the form of a malfunction or uneven consumption - can cause more serious dama
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