19 april 2023A chemical plant accident, a hit by a dirty bomb or a military attack. A multi-agent system of unmanned drones and ground robots controlled by artificial intelligence will enable quick and detailed hu
7 april 2023The energy network in the Czech Republic is not only extensive, but also very interconnected. Any fluctuation - whether in the form of a malfunction or uneven consumption - can cause more serious dama
11 february 2023Saying that science and technology are only for men is just a prejudice. At the Brno University of Technology in, you will find a total of 621 women who are indispensable for science and technology. O
29 december 2022Darina Čejková's team from the Department of Biomedical Engineering FEEC BUT investigates how genes causing antibiotic resistance are transmitted. Specifically, the researchers are interested in the i
29 november 2022Parkinson's disease first shows symptoms up to 10 years before its visible manifestations. These include, in particular, sleep disturbances accompanied by restlessness. Now, a special bracelet, develo
8 october 2022Although the racing season normally ends at the turn of August and September for triathlete Tomáš Kříž, who is one of the first graduates of the Sports Technology programme at CESA BUT, this year he w
8 september 2022Handwriting studies is still one of the most important forensic techniques for obtaining evidence. The Institute of Criminalistics therefore approached experts from the FEEC BUT for cooperation, who a
7 july 2022Do you like honey? And do you know what it takes to get it to your table? The bees must survive the winter, start collecting nectar in the spring and not freeze. But even warm weather and a strong bee