Ideas and Discoveries
30 august 2023He can read computer images. He cuts through them, examines their layers and sees the necessary parameters, which he can write into algorithms to meet the requirements of "customers", whether they be
21 june 2023Finding an electric motor fault is not always easy. However, new mathematical algorithms with parametric estimation can be used for its effective diagnosis. Lukáš Zezula, a doctoral student from the F
15 june 2023The promising scientist Michaela Vojníková from CEITEC BUT is gaining one success after another. She is harvesting the fruits of her labour quite quickly. Whether in the field of science popularizatio
6 june 2023He has played football for over 30 years, and during his studies also for Brno Zbrojovka. But which team this fan's heart beats for is clear to anyone who comes to his office. The red-and-white mug fr
Ideas and Discoveries
18 may 2023Martin Kachlík and Jakub Roleček, scientists from CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology) BUT (Brno University of Technology), have been working on the development of ceramic armour for almo
5 may 2023The Werner von Siemens Prize for third place in the Best Dissertation category and the Award for Excellence in Women's Scientific Work went to Markéta Tesařová from CEITEC Brno University of Technolog
Ideas and Discoveries
24 february 2023On the desk of Swiss student Victory Jaques lie carefully preserved hundred-year-old samples of various paintings. For example, she is currently researching the materials used by the famous Italian Re
11 february 2023Saying that science and technology are only for men is just a prejudice. At the Brno University of Technology in, you will find a total of 621 women who are indispensable for science and technology. O
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